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LightBox Project Inc. is a small scale manufacturer of smart home lighting, branded merchandise and signage, that specializes in laser cut wood/acrylics and smart tech integrations, offering retail, wholesale and design/manufacturing services in Mohkinstsis, Calgary – Alberta


To put the power of creative lighting in your hands


To uplift individuals and organizations to express themselves in innovative ways that embrace the leading edge of technology while creating a positive social, economic and environmental “atmosphere”.


Creativity, collaboration, inclusivity and the pursuit of engineered longevity temper every innovative endeavor we embark upon.


Brandon Tyson
Brandon Tyson

Owner / Lead Engineer

Brandon Tyson is a 2 spirit Anishinaabe from the unceded territories of Wikwemikoong First Nation centered on Odawa Mnis and the surrounding islands in Lake Huron.

With a background in circus arts, digital arts, indigenous crafts, engineering and laser/CNC/3D printer operation, he continually seeks to find ways to cross-pollinate these various skills into new and inspiring forms of expression.

From clothing and accessories to home lighting and decor to large interactive art installations and performance, there is no form of creation he is unwilling to explore to challenge the status quo of self expression and inspire others to step out of their box and express their most authentic selves.

Tom Prilesky
Tom Prilesky

Marketing + Sales

Tom Prilesky is a Czech-born media producer, marketer, and artist. At age 12 he found his lifelong passion of creating music, which led him down a path through recording school to studio construction, then music touring, concert filming, wedding filming, brand videos to marketing strategy, exactly in that order. In his mind this has made him qualified to come up with impactful content ideas for brands, which then he and his team harness their skills and tools to create.

When he’s not getting paid to do all of the above, he spends his personal time doing all of the above just for the joy of creating. He’s also into growing food, snowboarding and going on outdoor adventures with family. You can check out some of his artistic work at

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